
Monday, January 21, 2013

Inauguration Prayer

Today is the second inauguration of Barack Obama (woot woot).

A diverse set of faith leaders were asked to write 100 word benedictions, and I thought they were all written so well - with most including themes of love, unity, and progress.

This one is my favorite, but you can find the others here:

"Holy God, In this moment, we stand with President Barack Obama on the precipice of hope. Our bellies quiver and our teeth remain on edge, as we survey the brilliance of sky, sea and soil; as we realize our resources of energy, imagination, and intelligence; and as we recognize our longings for dignity, dialogue and deliverance. We pray for President Barack Obama as he spreads his wings. As he begins to fly, grant him—grant us all— the fortitude to do justice, the foresight to love mercy, and the forbearance to walk with humility. Amen. "


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